Agriculture App for Farmers APK アイコン

Agriculture App for Farmers APK

Android 用ダウンロード
無料 app
  • リリース済み:
  • 最新バージョン: 3.28

AgriApp is an Android-based mobile application. AgriApp is a complete solution for crop production and management. It provides the best

Agriculture App for Farmers is an application designed to help you manage your farm and all of the resources it needs. You can carry out all kinds of activities, such as taking a soil sample, registering your farm, and even buying or selling products.

Agriculture App for Farmers APK is an extremely useful tool for anyone involved in the agricultural sector. With it, you can carry out any activity related to your farm: taking soil samples, registering the farm, buying and selling products, etc.

This app includes several practical tools that make managing your farm easier. For example, you can create a plan for planting and digging and keep track of the work you have done. In addition, you can monitor the water levels in your irrigation system or check the status of your irrigation system at any time.

Agriculture App for Farmers also includes a service where you can sell your products. You can list everything from seeds to machines and get paid quickly and easily.

Agriculture App for Farmers is an excellent app for anyone involved in the agricultural sector. It includes all kinds of tools that make managing your farm much easier.

Usefull tips on how to use the Agriculture App for Farmers

1. Download the AgriApp from APKzest Store
2. Enter your account details
3. Configure your app preferences
4. Get started with your first crop
5. Stay informed with the latest news and updates from the agriculture industry


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