The game is set in a dystopian world where humans live only in the shadow of Ram Setu, a gigantic statue that was built thousands of years ago. The Rama legend tells that when the gods were divided into two camps, Lord Rama, his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana fought against the evil king Ravana. But, to win this war, they had to destroy an enormous bridge. Fearful of the consequences of their actions, they were unable to destroy it by themselves, so they placed a golden pebble on the bridge, which would prevent its destruction. Since then, the bridge has become a place where demons and evil spirits cross over to our world.
Players take on the role of a ghost living on the bridge. Your mission is to run through the levels collecting tokens and gems to gain experience and money. You can also use your earnings to buy new characters with different attributes. The more gems you have, the better your character will be.
Ram Setu APK: Run - The Running game™ is an outstanding 3D action adventure that combines elements from many popular genres (jumping, running, fighting) into one spectacular whole. It is also very beautiful and fun.
Usefull tips on how to play the Ram Setu
1. Download and install the game on your Android device.
2. Once the game is installed, open it and sign in with your Google account.
3. Choose one of the available avatars and start playing the game.
4. To move around the game world, use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard or the left and right buttons on your touch screen.
5. To attack enemies, press the space bar.
Key features
- The Ram Setu : The Run game has been rated with 4.10/5 from 32 votes and require android 7.0 to run properly
- A action game that is suitable for everyone 10+.
- 787,847 total installs
- Free download of ram-setu-:-the-run.apk
- All engines on VirusTotal detected the latest APK uploaded on Nov 23, 2022 as safe and not harmful.