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  • Última versión: 1.058

Music streaming platform that allowed users to download songs and full albums in MP3 and FLAC format.

Download music from Deezer

The app offers a very simple and intuitive interface, with a menu on the left side of the screen where you can access all the available content. From there, you can play any song or album in the platform, as well as search for other songs by artists. The download section is also very convenient, offering a list of albums and songs that are already downloaded to your phone.

This application is not official, but it does offer an excellent alternative to Deezer's service. However, it has some limitations: it only works with Deezer accounts and it is only available in selected countries. If you want to try this app out, you will have to check if it is available in your country before downloading its APK file.

Usefull tips on how to use the AIDS

1. Try out different genres of music to find something that you really enjoy.
2. Download songs and albums in MP3 or FLAC format, so that you can have high-quality music without having to worry about file size.
3. Use the "Shuffle" feature to listen to your music in a random order, which is great for when you're trying to find a specific song.
4. Use the "Download" feature to save songs and albums to your phone so that you can listen to them offline.
5. Use the "Lyrics" feature to see the lyrics for any songs that you download, which is helpful if you're looking for information about the song lyrics.

Caracteristicas clave

  • La AIDS app ha sido calificado con 5.00 / 5 de11 votos and android phone para correr correctamente
  • A deezer downloader app que es adecuado para .
  • 9,918,872 instalaciones totales.
  • Descarga gratuita de aids.apk
  • Todos los motores de VirusTotal detectaron el último APK cargado en Oct 19, 2022 como seguro y no dañino.

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