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Android Global Time APK

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  • 已发布:
  • 最新版本:1.00

AndroidGlobalTime is a 3D world clock and may serve as an illustrative example of how to use the OpenGL ES APIs in your Android

it is a clock that shows the time in different cities around the world. It is not an official Google app, but it does have some advantages:

It has a night mode and supports multiple time zones. It displays the current temperature. The user can choose between 12 and 24 hour format. It includes a widget to show the current time on the screen. It shows sunrise and sunset times for each city. The user can set alarms for specific times. If you need to know what time it is in another city, just type its name into Google search or open the app's browser and enter it directly from there.

it is a good example of how to use OpenGL ES APIs in your Android applications, as it uses these APIs to render its 3D graphics and animations. However, if you want to try this example yourself, you will first have to download AndroidGlobalTime Pro APK because you will not be able to access the paid version without an internet connection since Google Play does not allow users to download apps that are not available on their store. Once you have downloaded AndroidGlobalTime Pro Android, simply run the application and wait for it to load completely before pressing any button or menu item; otherwise, nothing will happen at all! This may take several minutes depending on your device's performance... so be patient! Once AndroidGlobalTime Pro has loaded completely, press Menu > Settings > Start Up Automatically > On Startup > OK > Apply > OK again (yes, three times). Finally, restart your device once more so that everything works properly. You now know how to use OpenGL ES APIs in your Android applications! What's new in the latest version of AndroidGlobalTime Pro APK No changelog available for this version of the app. New features are usually added by means


  • Android Global Time app评分为15 满分为4.5和 android operating system才能正常运行
  • 一个world app 适用于 .
  • 1,779 整体安装。
  • 免费下载 android-global-time.apk
  • VirusTotal上的所有引擎都检测到在May 28, 2010上上传的最新APK是安全的,并且没有危害。
