AA CoolSplash  APK 图标

AA CoolSplash APK

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  • 已发布:
  • 最新版本:1.00

Snazzy splash screen tutorial

A tutorial to show how to make Android animated and non-rectangular splash screens.

AA CoolSplash is a tutorial app that shows us how to create animated, non-rectangular splash screens for our smartphone or tablet. It is very easy to use, as it only requires the following steps:

Step 1: Download the APK file of the application and install it on your device.

Step 2: Open the app and choose a background image from the gallery.

Step 3: Choose an animation effect from the gallery. There are more than 20 available.

Step 4: Choose a size for your splash screen (from small to large).

Step 5: Finally, tap on the button with the plus sign (+) in order to add text and choose font style, size, color...

A tutorial that will help you create cool animated non-rectangular splash screens for your phone. If you want to know how to do this, don't hesitate to download this app's APK file.


  • AA CoolSplash app评分为10 满分为4.5和 android phone
    an android device or dev setup 才能正常运行
  • 一个 animation app 适用于 .
  • 88 整体安装。
  • 免费下载 aa-coolsplash-.apk
  • VirusTotal上的所有引擎都检测到在Nov 26, 2009上上传的最新APK是安全的,并且没有危害。
